Remote Sensing Laboratory

Byrd Polar Research Center

To contact us:

Kenneth Jezek                                                              

1090 Carmack Road                                                    

Columbus, OHIO 43210                                                                                        

USAPhone: 614 292 7973                                            

Fax: 614 292 4697                                                       



CReSIS Science and Technology Center


MODIS Bands 1 and 2 False Color—Jacobshavn Glacier, June 2005 (K. Jezek)

The NSF Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) is a collaboration between the University of Kansas, The Ohio State University, The University of Maine, and Penn State University.  International partners include the University of Copenhagen and the University of Tasmania.  The BPRC Remote Sensing Group, Glacial Dynamics Group and the Ice Core Group participate locally.